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The remaining comprehensive plan update process will be broken down into two (2) phases.
The first phase took place during 2023 and focused on working with the community to establish an updated vision for Pasco County. This process included substantial amounts of public input, inclusive of stakeholder interviews, topic-based focus groups, public hearings, and a three-part public workshop series. The results of this process is Envision Pasco 2050 - a vision plan for the future of Pasco County.
The second phase of this process will take place during 2024 and will include updating the Data & Analysis and the Goals, Objectives, and Policies of the Plan. This process will also include an several public input opportunities that will be further refined in the first half of 2024.
Please continue to return to this website to stay up to date on project-related information and events.
The remaining comprehensive plan update process will be broken down into two (2) phases.
The first phase took place during 2023 and focused on working with the community to establish an updated vision for Pasco County. This process included substantial amounts of public input, inclusive of stakeholder interviews, topic-based focus groups, public hearings, and a three-part public workshop series. The results of this process is Envision Pasco 2050 - a vision plan for the future of Pasco County.
The second phase of this process will take place during 2024 and will include updating the Data & Analysis and the Goals, Objectives, and Policies of the Plan. This process will also include an several public input opportunities that will be further refined in the first half of 2024.
Please continue to return to this website to stay up to date on project-related information and events.